sudo ./CyberProtect_AgentForLinux_x86_64.bin
(Ubuntu 22):
- abs
- acos
- acosh
- addcslashes
- addslashes
- apache_request_headers
- apache_response_headers
- apcu_add
- apcu_cache_info
- apcu_cas
- apcu_clear_cache
- apcu_dec
- apcu_delete
- apcu_enabled
- apcu_entry
- apcu_exists
- apcu_fetch
- apcu_inc
- apcu_key_info
- apcu_sma_info
- apcu_store
- array_change_key_case
- array_chunk
- array_column
- array_combine
- array_count_values
- array_diff
fatal: userauth_pubkey: parse publickey packet: incomplete message [preauth]
Hallo, ich arbeite als Webentwickler und immer wieder gibt es das Problem mit der personenbezogenen Daten.
Was sind personenbezogene Daten? Welche Angaben sind damit gemeint?
"SQL Import" via Crontab:
for user in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd); do printf " \n\n -------- $user : \n "; crontab -u $user -l; done
Compare 2 FILES line by line:
diff file1.txt file2.txt
Compare 2 FILES line by line and ignore all white space:
Software / Platforms: Apache Webserver, nginx, MariaDB, PHP 8.3, Plesk, Apache Solr
Neueste Kommentare
List config vaiables
/usr/sbin/mariadbd --help --verbose | grep "query.*size"
Restart MariaDB / MySQL
MariaDB Restart (after changes in /etc/mysql/db-performance.cnf)
After my changes in /etc/mysql/db-performance.cnf
Error: configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
PHP 8.3, APCu via PECL
PHP 8.3 extra packages (+ pecl, apcu)
apt update apt install plesk-php83-dev zlib1g-dev
https : Secure Connection Failed
I get this error, when I visit :
Remove files and show the number of deleted files
Remove all files starting with 2024 in mydir123 and show the number of deleted files:
find mydir123 -name '2024*' -exec rm -vf {} \; | wc -l
find . -name '*' | xargs rm …
find . -name '*' | xargs rm -v
Maybe Patch
Edit "/etc/my.cnf" ( under [mysqld] ):
Restart MariaDB / MySQL: