drush sql:dump --skip-tables-list=watchdog,cache,cache_* | gzip -c > my-db-without-cache-watchdog-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M).sql.gz
drush sql:dump --skip-tables-list=watchdog,cache,cache_* | gzip -c > my-db-without-cache-watchdog-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M).sql.gz
The Drush launcher could not find a local Drush in your Drupal site
"SQL Import" via Crontab:
After Drupal core + module updates:
The roles anonymous & authenticated disapeared
Instead of the page content I get this error: "You don't have access to this page".
Export config from your website: drush cex
Export config from your old website or a new Drupal installation.
Move two files to the config dir of your websites sync directory:
Attempting to re-run cron while it is already running.
Cronjob (hourly):
1 * * * * ...myscripts/
drush config:import is not defined
# Command "cim" is not defined.
# Do you want to run "mim" instead? (yes/no) [no]:
System Info:
drush cim --partial --source=web/modules/module1/config/install/
[error] The source directory does not exist. The source is not a directory.
Neueste Kommentare
Same with Drush 13 + PHP 8.3 and my Solution
Same with Drush 13 + PHP 8.3
Error : Failed to install the required package 'RPM' by using AP
Error : Failed to install the required package 'RPM' by using APT. Please install it manually.
Installieren & Aktivieren
So habe es installiert und dann mit Hilfe von Key/Code (über Website von Acronis Cyber Protect) aktiviert:
I have a view with a path…
I have a view with a path like
to export entivies as JSON or CSV.admin_toolbar 3.5.2 is the…
admin_toolbar 3.5.2 is the reason. Patch coming ...
Tools & Settings >> Security…
Tools & Settings >> Security Policy :
Allow only secure FTPS connections
List config vaiables
/usr/sbin/mariadbd --help --verbose | grep "query.*size"
Restart MariaDB / MySQL
MariaDB Restart (after changes in /etc/mysql/db-performance.cnf)
After my changes in /etc/mysql/db-performance.cnf
Error: configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH