Drupal roles anonymous & authenticated disapeared / missing (Update)

After Drupal core + module updates:

The roles anonymous & authenticated disapeared

Instead of the page content I get this error: "You don't have access to this page".



Export config from your website: drush cex

Export config from your old website or a new Drupal installation.

Move two files to the config dir of your websites sync directory:

cp -av oldsite/sync/user.role.anonymous.yml newsite/sync/
cp -av oldsite/sync/user.role.authenticated.yml newsite/sync/

Import new config via Drush: drush cim


# drush cim 
| Collection | Config                  | Operation |
|            | user.role.anonymous     | Create    |
|            | user.role.authenticated | Create    |
Import the listed configuration changes? (yes/no) [yes]:

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