Cronjobs + PHP + Composer + Drupal Update (E-Mail Benachrichtigung)

Mit "composer update --dry-run" Aktualisierungen erfassen und als E-Mail benachrichtigung an "admin/webmaster" schicken:


$webdir = "/var/www/vhosts/site123/httpdocs";
$email 	= "";
$date_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");


$composer_output = shell_exec( "composer update --dry-run 2>&1" );

$update_available = 0;

if( preg_match("#Nothing to install or update#sium", $composer_output) ) {
    $update_available = 0;

if( preg_match("#([1-9] installs)|([1-9]\d? updates)#simu", $composer_output) ) {
    $update_available = 1;

if( !empty( $update_available) ) {

    echo " \n\n{$date_now} UPDATE FOUND \n\n ";
    $subject = "Updates Available $date_now";
    $body = " Output of \"composer update --dry-run\": \n\n $composer_output \n\n";
    mail($email, $subject, $body );
} else {
    echo " \n\n{$date_now} No Update Available. \n\n ";

// END

Cronjob Eintrag (Jeden Tag zweimal überprüfen):

1 */12 * * *   /path/to/my/update-monitoring-script.php >> /path/to/my/update-monitoring.log


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