Language Code / Name (Liste)


'aa' => 'afar',
'ab' => 'abkhazian',
'af' => 'afrikaans',
'am' => 'amharic',
'ar' => 'arabic',
'as' => 'assamese',
'ay' => 'aymara',
'az' => 'azerbaijani',
'ba' => 'bashkir',
'be' => 'byelorussian',
'bg' => 'bulgarian',
'bh' => 'bihari',
'bi' => 'bislama',
'bn' => 'bengali',
'bo' => 'tibetan',
'br' => 'breton',
'ca' => 'catalan',
'co' => 'corsican',
'cs' => 'czech',
'cy' => 'welch',
'da' => 'danish',
'de' => 'german',
'dz' => 'bhutani',
'el' => 'greek',
'en' => 'english',
'eo' => 'esperanto',
'es' => 'spanish',
'et' => 'estonian',
'eu' => 'basque',
'fa' => 'persian',
'fi' => 'finnish',
'fj' => 'fiji',
'fo' => 'faeroese',
'fr' => 'french',
'fy' => 'frisian',
'ga' => 'irish',
'gd' => 'scots gaelic',
'gl' => 'galician',
'gn' => 'guarani',
'gu' => 'gujarati',
'ha' => 'hausa',
'hi' => 'hindi',
'he' => 'hebrew',
'hr' => 'croatian',
'hu' => 'hungarian',
'hy' => 'armenian',
'ia' => 'interlingua',
'id' => 'indonesian',
'ie' => 'interlingue',
'ik' => 'inupiak',
'in' => 'former indonesian',
'is' => 'icelandic',
'it' => 'italian',
'iu' => 'inuktitut',
'iw' => 'former hebrew',
'ja' => 'japanese',
'ji' => 'former yiddish',
'jw' => 'javanese',
'ka' => 'georgian',
'kk' => 'kazakh',
'kl' => 'greenlandic',
'km' => 'cambodian',
'kn' => 'kannada',
'ko' => 'korean',
'ks' => 'kashmiri',
'ku' => 'kurdish',
'ky' => 'kirghiz',
'la' => 'latin',
'ln' => 'lingala',
'lo' => 'laothian',
'lt' => 'lithuanian',
'lv' => 'latvian',
'mg' => 'malagasy',
'mi' => 'maori',
'mk' => 'macedonian',
'ml' => 'malayalam',
'mn' => 'mongolian',
'mo' => 'moldavian',
'mr' => 'marathi',
'ms' => 'malay',
'mt' => 'maltese',
'my' => 'burmese',
'na' => 'nauru',
'ne' => 'nepali',
'nl' => 'dutch',
'no' => 'norwegian',
'oc' => 'occitan',
'om' => 'oromo',
'or' => 'oriya',
'pa' => 'punjabi',
'pl' => 'polish',
'ps' => 'pashto',
'pt' => 'portuguese',
'qu' => 'quechua',
'rm' => 'rhaeto-romance',
'rn' => 'kirundi',
'ro' => 'romanian',
'ru' => 'russian',
'rw' => 'kinyarwanda',
'sa' => 'sanskrit',
'sd' => 'sindhi',
'sg' => 'sangro',
'sh' => 'serbo-croatian',
'si' => 'singhalese',
'sk' => 'slovak',
'sl' => 'slovenian',
'sm' => 'samoan',
'sn' => 'shona',
'so' => 'somali',
'sq' => 'albanian',
'sr' => 'serbian',
'ss' => 'siswati',
'st' => 'sesotho',
'su' => 'sudanese',
'sv' => 'swedish',
'sw' => 'swahili',
'ta' => 'tamil',
'te' => 'tegulu',
'tg' => 'tajik',
'th' => 'thai',
'ti' => 'tigrinya',
'tk' => 'turkmen',
'tl' => 'tagalog',
'tn' => 'setswana',
'to' => 'tonga',
'tr' => 'turkish',
'ts' => 'tsonga',
'tt' => 'tatar',
'tw' => 'twi',
'ug' => 'uigur',
'uk' => 'ukrainian',
'ur' => 'urdu',
'uz' => 'uzbek',
'vi' => 'vietnamese',
'vo' => 'volapuk',
'wo' => 'wolof',
'xh' => 'xhosa',
'yi' => 'yiddish',
'yo' => 'yoruba',
'za' => 'zhuang',
'zh' => 'chinese',
'zu' => 'zulu',


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  • 1 month ago
    TypeError: Cannot assign null to property Drupal \ views \ Plugin \ views \ argument \ ArgumentPluginBase::$operator of type string

    Das geht auch:

          $this->operator = $break->operator ?? '' ;
  • 1 month 1 week ago
    Bootstrap 5 subtheme is not properly configured. This may be caused by a problem with file or directory permissions.
  • 1 month ago
    TypeError: Cannot assign null to property Drupal \ views \ Plugin \ views \ argument \ ArgumentPluginBase::$operator of type string

    It works too:

    • web/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/NumericArgument.php 

    Line 63, 96 :

  • 1 month 3 weeks ago
    Site URI : http://default (Drupal, how2 update config?)

    Add this line to drupalroot/vendor/drush/drush/drush.yml

  • 2 months 3 weeks ago
    Webserver CPU Performance Test mit PHP

    Time: 0,19 

    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 3700 8-Core Processor

  • 4 months 2 weeks ago
    TypeError: Cannot assign null to property Drupal \ views \ Plugin \ views \ argument \ ArgumentPluginBase::$operator of type string

    Line 63, 99 :

  • 5 months 1 week ago
    Drupal + Basic_Auth Problem : You do not have permission to access this page (Sie haben keine Zugriffsberechtigung für diese Seite. )

    My problem was:

  • 5 months 1 week ago
    Drupal Upgrade (Drupal 9 » Drupal 10)

    I had this exact issue and your site was the only place I found the fix.

    It'd be nice if the module developer applied your fix though.

    Good work! Much appreciated!

  • 6 months 2 weeks ago
    The datasource with ID 'elstut--entity:node' could not be retrieved for index (Drupal, Solr)

    Hier ist die Lösung. (/admin/config/search/search-api/server/solr_server/edit)

     + Nur Ergebnisse von dieser Seite beziehen

  • 6 months 2 weeks ago
    PDOException: SQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock


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