E-Mail Subject von Drupal-SMTP sieht so aus:

Kontodetails fC3BCr BenutzerName auf example.com


Kontodetails für BenutzerName auf example.com




Ein Lösung:

Datei: drupal-8-www-dir/modules/smtp/src/Plugin/Mail/SMTPMailSystem.php

Zeile: 104

root@server2  # ./install.sh

  Welcome to the Virtualmin GPL installer, version 6.0.8

  This script must be run on a freshly installed supported OS. It does not

  perform updates or upgrades (use your system package manager) or license

  changes (use the "virtualmin change-license" command).

  The systems currently supported by install.sh are:

Webmin - Security Warning

Macht Webmin-Referrer Check überhaupt Sinn? Durch FakeReferrer kann man es sowieso umgehen.

Security Warning     

Warning! Webmin has detected that the program was linked to from an unknown URL, which appears to be outside the Webmin server. This may be an attempt to trick your server into executing a dangerous command.

Make sure your browser is configured to send referrer information so that it can be verified by Webmin.


Neueste Kommentare

  • 5 days 6 hours ago
    CPU benchmarking with sysbench (single-threaded/all cores)


    # sysbench --threads="$(nproc)" cpu run

  • 5 days 6 hours ago
    CPU benchmarking with sysbench (single-threaded/all cores)

    # sysbench --threads="$(nproc)" cpu run

  • 5 days 7 hours ago
    Linux Autovervollständigung - bash autocomplete
    source ~/.bashrc

    Diese Lösung wird empfohlen aber hat bei mir nicht funktioniert.

    Welche Alternative gibt es?

  • 5 days 7 hours ago
    PHP-CLI auf PHP8.2 umstellen (für Composer, Drush etc)

    ln -snf /opt/plesk/php/8.3/bin/php /etc/alternatives/php

  • 1 week 3 days ago
    Drush Update failed (require php >=8.2)

    In composer.json, update: 


  • 1 week 3 days ago
    Drupal: Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen Es hat mehr als 5 fehlerhafte Anmeldeversuche für dieses Benutzerkonto gegeben. Es ist vorübergehend gesperrt.
    drush sqlq "DELETE FROM flood"
  • 1 week 3 days ago
    Drupal SMTP + Gmail funktioniert nicht mehr (Passwort ist richtig); was ist die Lösung?
  • 1 week 3 days ago
    Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username gmail.com using the following authenticators: "LOGIN", "PLAIN", "XOAUTH2". Authenticator "LOGIN" returned "Expected response code "235" but got code "535",

    Type    symfony_mailer
    Date    Mo, 28. 08 2024 - 10:14
    User    admin

  • 3 weeks 1 day ago
    Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username gmail.com using the following authenticators: "LOGIN", "PLAIN", "XOAUTH2". Authenticator "LOGIN" returned "Expected response code "235" but got code "535",

    Update two fields (blob) in Table "config"!

    Search 'name': 

    1. smtp.settings 
    2. symfony_mailer.mailer_transport.smtp



  • 1 month ago
    The following embed button(s) are not using SVG icons and will not be compatible with CKEditor5


    • /admin/config/content/embed/button/manage/media
    • /admin/config/content/embed


    Convert PNG to SVG & Upload!