Problem (add 'textarea'):
-bash: /usr/bin/rm: Die Argumentliste ist zu lang
Wir haben mehrere Root-Server mit Plesk bei Hetzner und haben vor kurzem solche Emails erhalten:
Install inxi & lshw:
sudo apt install lshw lshw-gtk inxi
RHEL / CentOS: yum install lshw inxi
Exec inxi command:
inxi -pluFxxrm
Exec lshw
lshw -short
cp -av source.tar.gz target--$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S).tar.gz
After Drupal core + module updates:
The roles anonymous & authenticated disapeared
Instead of the page content I get this error: "You don't have access to this page".
Export config from your website: drush cex
Export config from your old website or a new Drupal installation.
Move two files to the config dir of your websites sync directory:
stat --format '%a' web/settings.php
stat --format '%a' web/
Neueste Kommentare
Remove files and show the number of deleted files
Remove all files starting with 2024 in mydir123 and show the number of deleted files:
find mydir123 -name '2024*' -exec rm -vf {} \; | wc -l
find . -name '*' | xargs rm …
find . -name '*' | xargs rm -v
Maybe Patch
Edit "/etc/my.cnf" ( under [mysqld] ):
Restart MariaDB / MySQL:
Create Sub-Directories with WGET
wget -U 'Mozilla/MyUserAgent' -P MyTempDir123 --wait=0.2 --random-wait -nd -r -x -l 4 -e robots=off --reject
Ignore Binaries, JS, CSS etc
wget -U 'Mozilla/MyUserAgent2024' -P MyOutPutDirectory --wait=1 --random-wait -nd -r -l 2 -e robots=off --reject
Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2288G CPU @ 3.70GHz
# sysbench --threads="$(nproc)" cpu run
AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 3700 8-Core Processor
# sysbench --threads="$(nproc)" cpu run
Reload .bashrc without logging out
Diese Lösung wird empfohlen aber hat bei mir nicht funktioniert.
Welche Alternative gibt es?
Composer + PHP 8.3
ln -snf /opt/plesk/php/8.3/bin/php /etc/alternatives/php