Damit man GEOIP-PECL auf Debian zum laufen bringt:

  1. apt-get install geoip-bin geoip-database libgeoip-dev

  2. pecl install geoip

  3. Eintrag in php.ini: extension=geoip.so

Danach Apache neu starten oder Konfigurationsdatei neu laden.


echo geoip_country_code_by_name (  $ip );

// Ausgabe sollte zweistellige Ländercode wie DE oder ähnliches sein.


Windows apache thread stack size

This current value cannot be checked by the system, so please ignore this warning if it is already taken care of: Fluid uses complex regular expressions which require a lot of stack space during the first processing. On Windows the default stack size for Apache is a lot smaller than on UNIX. You can increase the size to 8MB (default on UNIX) by adding the following configuration to httpd.conf and restarting Apache afterwards:

<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>

ThreadStackSize 8388608



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